Hi there! Thanks for this and all of your other helpful info. I’m curious about how you think about risk with regard to being part of a chorus. I really miss choral singing, but I feel like it would be hard for me to take the risk now, given how much viral transmission can happen with a big group of people singing while standing right next to each other. I know ultimately it comes down to individual risk tolerance etc., but just wondering if you might share a bit about how you think about chorus in the Covid era. Thank you!
Wear an N95 mask everywhere, NOW!
Hi there! Thanks for this and all of your other helpful info. I’m curious about how you think about risk with regard to being part of a chorus. I really miss choral singing, but I feel like it would be hard for me to take the risk now, given how much viral transmission can happen with a big group of people singing while standing right next to each other. I know ultimately it comes down to individual risk tolerance etc., but just wondering if you might share a bit about how you think about chorus in the Covid era. Thank you!