It would be cool to have research regarding how getting covid may decrease people’s ability to easily fight off common viruses and infections within a year or two~ like strep throat, EBV, mononucleosis, flu, pneumonia etc. What perhaps changes or shifts in our bodies to make it harder to clear other ailments? All ages of people…

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I’d love to find out more about this. Have had COVID twice and I seem to get colds more easily since. I’m constantly doing hand hygiene.

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It’s airborne. Do you wear a mask? As someone who does, I can attest that 90-95% of ppl don’t, & then are surprised they get sick. Meanwhile I’m over 4 years without so much as a sniffle. Which has been great because I used to get sick 4 to 6 xs a year, & it would drop into my bronchioles & kick up my asthma. The money I’m saving not having to take all my previous meds more than pays for n-95s/kn-95s. I don’t even wear them fit-test tight, but they seem enough to prevent illness. Everyone around me (except my husband who also masks) is getting sick. So, pick your priorities: wear a mask or get sick. Most folks don’t seem to mind getting sick enough to wear a mask.

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Have you read any of the articles out there on how covid affects T-cells?

Here is one from a year ago.


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Hi and thank you. I’ve read this article before it’s good to re-read, hope there’s more research on the situation soon because relatives, peers and friends are definitely getting more illnesses than usual after recovering from covid infections.

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On summer COVID...heard an interesting interview with a virologist from Johns Hopkins, I believe, on NPR yesterday. We are having an earlier summer COVID surge than past summers, AND it is more a problem in the US than other countries this time. His contention was it was likely because of the excessive heatwave and that has forced more people indoors even when traveling. He talked a lot about the problem of fans and AC being horizontal air flow as an issue in spreading the virus. Sorry to miss the podcast with Jetalyna but will catch the recording when you send that out. I would have asked the question about pacing COVID vax/boosters for those of us severely immune compromised. I had my last one in April but was holding off for the one in Fall. Not getting much guidance from my multitude of docs and specialists.

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Is there any news on whether taking metformin for a few weeks after long covid is diagnosed ~ in fact gets rid of long covid ?

Also is there any scientific study news that hyperbaric oxygen treatment helps get rid of long covid brain fog ~ I’ve seen this treatment pop up in people’s casual writings but not research …

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I thought I was a paid subscriber, I mean I’m getting the 5 on Fri that’s only for subscribers, so do I need to re-up?

Anyway, I ❤️ 5 on Fri, because it’s a light reading break from the deep dives, which are also cool, but I like not having to think so much All the time,. And what happened to the clinical questions, speaking of thinking a lot?

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One of my neighbors is now retired but was an MD in Cuba. When she moved to the US the local health system had a program where she could do some kind of “training” to convert to a PA and she then worked for them for many years. I wish I had known her earlier because her patients were very fortunate to have such a skilled “PA”!

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hopefully the recording will be released sooner versus later...

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Hi! I wonder if you also have hope that the negative studies in Oaxlivid preventing long COVID could be interpreted more hopefully.

Also, I remember your mother had Paxlovid as PEP. Did she ever text positive? How long was her course? If she'd tested positive after completing the course, would you have restarted Paxlovid for 5 more days?

Lastly, I assume a 10 day course of Paxlovid was shown to be safe in this study. Perhaps a longer course would help prevent rebound. Are people doing this off label? Will it ever be tested?

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