Morning Dr. Faust, This was interesting. Thank you. Are you familiar with the book BODY BY SCIENCE by Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little? If not, you might want to spend a few minutes searching about Dr. McGuff online. Like you, he is an emergency medicine physician. I was introduced to him by my body builder, personal trainer brother because Dr. McGuff uses the high intensity, "super slow" protocol as the core of his exercise philosophy. He owns a state-of-the-art personal training facility Ultimate-Exercise in SC. He focuses that facility on helping his elderly medical patients. He is an impressive public speaker with a very interesting personal story.
I use his super-slow weight training method once every seven days - he explains why he lets one’s body recover for seven days between intense weight training sessions. My McGuff weight training method requires thirty minutes to move through eight exercises slowly while concentrating on form until I can no longer perform a repetition at the designated weight load. I will have reached my muscle failure point.
Dr. McGuff explains that his patients reliably double their personal strength using this training method within twelve weeks. An impressive illustration of this successful program is that behind his training facility there is a pile of discarded walkers left there by his elderly patients following his twelve week exercise program. I have been doing this weight training program on the machines at the local senior center since 2017, and when combined with a cardiovascular brisk walk daily, this protocol works well for my seventy-six year old body. FYI, I have advanced PCa, CAD, CHF, have had a RARP, CABG5 and SRT for the PCa. I am cared for at MGB, DFCI and UPenn, and most importantly - I am still alive!
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide an audio version. I couldn't get the audio version to take my comment but, alas, I have dry eyes syndrome+ osteoporosis (which I'm resisting with dedicated strength training!). So hearing this column on exercise in audio is greatly appreciated. And it's nice to hear your voice from time to time.
For the past two or three years I’ve had a personal trainer who comes to my apartment once a week for an hour, which has been great. About ten years ago I spent fourteen years with a trainer at one of my local gyms and played wheelchair basketball off and on for a handful of those years. I also spent the in between time working out myself. I had a big surgery last month, so my only physical activity is working with physical therapy, and walking with a walker and using my wheelchair when out and about.
Excellent! I love my bike and fit bit! My friends and I have fun with the “steps.” Such as, who can get the most steps in a day. When I was vaccinating at Dodger Stadium, the amount of steps was insane!
Morning Dr. Faust, This was interesting. Thank you. Are you familiar with the book BODY BY SCIENCE by Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little? If not, you might want to spend a few minutes searching about Dr. McGuff online. Like you, he is an emergency medicine physician. I was introduced to him by my body builder, personal trainer brother because Dr. McGuff uses the high intensity, "super slow" protocol as the core of his exercise philosophy. He owns a state-of-the-art personal training facility Ultimate-Exercise in SC. He focuses that facility on helping his elderly medical patients. He is an impressive public speaker with a very interesting personal story.
I use his super-slow weight training method once every seven days - he explains why he lets one’s body recover for seven days between intense weight training sessions. My McGuff weight training method requires thirty minutes to move through eight exercises slowly while concentrating on form until I can no longer perform a repetition at the designated weight load. I will have reached my muscle failure point.
Dr. McGuff explains that his patients reliably double their personal strength using this training method within twelve weeks. An impressive illustration of this successful program is that behind his training facility there is a pile of discarded walkers left there by his elderly patients following his twelve week exercise program. I have been doing this weight training program on the machines at the local senior center since 2017, and when combined with a cardiovascular brisk walk daily, this protocol works well for my seventy-six year old body. FYI, I have advanced PCa, CAD, CHF, have had a RARP, CABG5 and SRT for the PCa. I am cared for at MGB, DFCI and UPenn, and most importantly - I am still alive!
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide an audio version. I couldn't get the audio version to take my comment but, alas, I have dry eyes syndrome+ osteoporosis (which I'm resisting with dedicated strength training!). So hearing this column on exercise in audio is greatly appreciated. And it's nice to hear your voice from time to time.
For the past two or three years I’ve had a personal trainer who comes to my apartment once a week for an hour, which has been great. About ten years ago I spent fourteen years with a trainer at one of my local gyms and played wheelchair basketball off and on for a handful of those years. I also spent the in between time working out myself. I had a big surgery last month, so my only physical activity is working with physical therapy, and walking with a walker and using my wheelchair when out and about.
Thank you !
Excellent! I love my bike and fit bit! My friends and I have fun with the “steps.” Such as, who can get the most steps in a day. When I was vaccinating at Dodger Stadium, the amount of steps was insane!
Sound advice!