Snark is fully justified. Censorship of public health data is unconscionable. It should be considered by a sensible society a criminal act.

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I am livid this morning. I am a NP working in a Title X Family Planning clinic in public health. We use the CDC’s MEC and SPR daily. Both are gone. Also missing are the CDC STI treatment guidelines, another document I frequently consult.

Vaccine timelines also gone?!?

I suppose our funding will be next.

How do we stop this madness?

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Thank you for keeping us informed on these police state actions with such grave consequences, as well as highlighting the courage of Nicholas Gottlieb at USAID. My career was spent as a civil servant in federal, local, and state governments. Standing up to an illegal order knowing what the consequences will be is a heroic action. We all need to think about what we as individuals will be willing to do should it be our turn.

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No apologizes for "snark". "Thanks" always. We are so way beyond worrying about how we sound when defending the unprecedented assault on not just our public healthcare service workers in gov, but EVERY department dedicated to the safety and health of all people in this country and around the world. I feel so strongly for these individuals, but have to say of the senior officials, "How could you not know this was going to happen? Where was the prep? Those of us on the ground including many Fed workers knew and warned. We are just beginning to see the tip of the iceberg of the havoc this administration will wreak. Last night one Wash Post journalist warned us that the department (in Treasury) referred to as the "checkbook" was turned upside down by Musk. The head of that dept resigned because of what he was being asked to do. This could impact millions of Americans expecting payments for Social Security, Fed paychecks, and the list goes on. Don't waste time trying to figure out why Trump and Associates are doing this. We know why...to destroy gov roadblocks to their own wealth and power. If it had been about increasing efficiency, they would have hired experts in this and gone through one dept at a time, slowly, BEFORE firing and purging. We all should have been prepared sooner for the the types of choices we would have to make. Again, inside they should have been preparing to safeguard this data, research, and projects. And on the outside we need to do our own prep. My husband and I are heading to a 4 hour Peaceful Resistance training this AM to update approaches and our legal rights while we are protecting our immigrant, BIPOC, or LGBTQ, disabled neighbors. And we are hardly flaming radicals. But we understand as having worked within gov that unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions. Shades of Nazi Germany.

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Feb 1Edited

I am assuming that vaccines are gone because when RFK Jr becomes head of HHS, they will be gone. Thank you for continuing to document this draconian insanity.

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“If you elect me president again, good news, you’ll never have to vote again… Trump

"An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." Sun Tzu

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Simply, thank you. For what you are doing and what you plan to do. Thank you.

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Jeremy, I think you have shown great restraint, any snark is completely justified. I’m Canadian and this experience is like watching a good friend implode. Just heartbreaking. Take good care of yourself, this’ll be a marathon not a sprint.🥰

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Thanks for this very informative posting today. Why would the MAGA storm troopers want to do these mean and hateful things just to show they can? Can the chaos and confusion, or even fear, aroused by these actions be a “strategic” decision hatched in the hallways of the Heritage Foundation? Thanks for bringing these things to light. Keep it up!

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I find your snark to be just the seasoning that is needed to digest even some of this horrifying information. I don’t know how you do it, but your work is appreciated every day! Thank You!!

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On another note…Thank you doc for keeping up, and keeping on. And,also I don’t think you are overreacting. Perhaps under reacting, as many of us are.

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My pronouns are "ridiculous" and "gubment"

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For all the whining about PC and “woke” trends in word preferences, this is the first time I have ever seen a major resource just shut down because someone was triggered by its word choices.

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Thank you so very much Dr. Faust. I’ve been following your posts very closely since you started posting Inside Medicine and followed you on Twitter before you published it. I came to value your expertise especially in regards to CoVid. You are a trusted and valued resource. I am so pleased that you are posting even DAILY now. We need you!! You and those like you will be the “go-to” experts during the dangerous times we’re in. Stay strong!!

P.S. I am sure “snark” does some good to our mental health

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When will the lawsuits begin?

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Not soon enough!

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Can regular families sue because this is causing teenagers tremendous stress and young adult professionals too ( not just the older working people and healthcare consumers etc ) !!!! This is really impacting society … stress 24/7 for families and neighbors etc

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