Thanks for your extra effort to go long here soliciting opinions from the authors of the NEJM studies. There are just so many studies out there at this point that it’s difficult to synthesize everything, thanks for this great effort. In general, I think boosters have kept broadening immunity rather than narrowing it, so ideologically I am not part of the imprinting camp. But once again, I am just overall synthesizing everything I read and hear from experts like you and others... so thank you!

It does not mean Offit is wrong, but he has been the outlier of course.

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Thank you so much. In all your free spare time (wink), could you explain imprinting? If it is happening to those of us who are not considered high risk, but are in that middle category of age and dealing with moderate aging health issues how does imprinting work? Can you "unimprint" with time? Appreciate you deep diving and explaining in terms that we can understand!

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Thank you. Excellent clarification. I am still unclear if there is any recommendation as to whether high-risk individuals who received the bivalent booster in September should get another side for more protection during the winter. I assume there is not enough data to make a recommendation. Any thoughts?

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