“I will work with anyone in the next administration who is willing to have reasonable discussions. That means I will stand up for vaccines and other achievements of public health to anyone who will listen.”

Ditto!! I will always fight for public health!

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RFK Jr in charge of the multiple needed depts of a healthcare system that is ALREADY excessively expensive and failing is a nightmare. And that's an understatement. Glad you're on this right away, but wish others in healthcare had your foresight and jumped on all of this sooner. There will be so many more sick people because all MAGA/Trump want to do is reduce needed safety regulations that protect our healthcare and distribution, our water & air, our food, medication, etc. so they can make profit over other's suffering. And they will have the control of other supportive departments that work hand in hand with healthcare. Gone will be the data keepers, or the data will be restricted or presented through a corrupt lens that favors profit for CEO's over quality, and equity. Even if present law in governing slows down their process of elimination of these beneficial departments like Public Health, they will render them ineffective by reducing staff, creating fear, no funding. And so of course, we are doomed in terms of handling another pandemic. They will eliminate budgets for depts responsible for enforcement of law just like what Reagan did so the laws become impotent. And we will be opening the door to a return of childhood diseases like measles, etc. Outside of protecting our own Public Health departments in municipalities and states, I don't know what we can do. And even that looks dismal as we rely on top-down funding. Even Jetelina's thoughts on states controlling vaccines has holes in it when we're talking about contagious disease in a mobile society, and funding is reduced federally for manufacturing and distribution. These will likely be my own last 4 years of life spent in this climate making me even more vulnerable, but I'm so much more worried about others and younger generations.

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We are doomed!!!! I am scared H5N1 will be the next pandemic and these idiots running the government after January will dismiss it as a cold!!!!

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What’s the minimum education or experience level a person should have to oversee the HHS branches? The minimum education or experience, expertise for this position ? The lowest bar ?

Also Boston Globe has article on concierge medicine in paper today … not many can afford concierge medicine. In some places in MA it’s a year wait list for a primary care doctor or NP or PA… thoughts on pricey out of pocket primary care concierge medicine programs and thoughts on shortage of standard primary care health professionals for families, also ?

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Sane washing--just perfect. I read the WaPo piece yesterday by a certain MD who now decided that fluoride maybe shouldn't be in the water--UGHH. Being right occasionally isn't enough. He's wrong so often and so stridently--RFK. I know these cabinet posts are chaos, hateful and indicate a disregard for the country, but RFK was a gut punch for me yesterday. Thank you.

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What can we do, what can I do, Jeremy Faust? I'm informed, dedicated, can write and speak from the perspective of 30 years in activism, working with legislators in MD and MA, working with my Mayor and City Council, can see the impact micro to macro and back again, and can give the patient's first hand experience of serious illnesses since age 27 for almost 40 years (the voices seldom heard or published)? I mean it, sign me up. And I can't even get in to see my specialists I've had for years in MA literally to save my life, let alone that of others. carhoran11@gmail.com And kudos to all here that keep up the "good fight" within healthcare and outside of it. No time for complacency.

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I understand the point you make about immigration, but wouldn’t this have been useful to know as the pandemic hit, that a new respiratory disease was presenting in arrivals from China?

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