Feel better!!

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5 on Friday tweaks my curiosity in the happiest way.

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I had strong side effects from the initial vaccine series (body aches so bad I didn’t want to get out of bed-headache, real trouble regulating temperature-chills, etc. for a full day) slightly less with each booster since. I remember thinking “If the vaccine is this bad I can only imagine what the virus is like. Thank God for the vaccine.” My first bout of Covid, probably omicron, I was really sick-aches, horrible sinuses, exhausted, chills, slight fever for a few days-though my doctor said I had a mild case- I could just tell in my body that it was something I hadn’t had before. Pure misery as you said, Jeremy. It took ten days to test negative and two weeks before I felt like doing anything. I got it again about a year later, wasn’t as sick, and recovered much more quickly- tested negative on day 7. Afterward, I actually felt better than I had since before the first infection. I’m over 65 and did have Paxlovid both times- no rebound, significant symptom reduction within 24 hours of first dose. (I believe your review of the science that says Paxlovid doesn’t make much difference in length of illness or even severity, but it did help me-could be placebo effect, but I think it was more than that. )

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I am so sorry you are experiencing Covid. Feel better and take your time to recover. I hope your parents are doing well

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thank you again for Friday News, and REST when you need to! sending healing thoughts 🌻

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My second bout was nowhere near as bad as my first, and I would have to say the paxlovid did what I expected it to do this time. Hope you start feeling better soon.

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My first and only infection late last summer lasted for three weeks before I tested negative. I had the bright red immediately displayed second line on day3 and it lasted until only a few days before I finally tested negative. My side effects from vaccines up to then had been extreme fatigue and a very sore arm (of the many vaccines I have had only the plague vaccine was worse) for 48-72 hours. Despite that, fatigue was not one of my Covid symptoms. I had a fever, some body aches, and a really horrible head cold. Because I am in my late 70s I took Paxlovid. The fever and body aches were gone 24 hours later. The horrible head cold lasted for over two weeks, the cough lingered on for at least a week after I tested negative. All symptoms except the cough had disappeared but that bright red line still remained for several days before it finally faded away. So hang in there. This too will pass.

PS: I just got over a head cold that was not Covid. It also lasted three weeks. Same awful head cold with a mild fever—less than 100. Covid fever was 101.8. Probably another coronavirus, just the non lethal variety.

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So glad you are feeling better, even if still virally "loaded" :-)

And interesting comment that reaction to Covid vaccine may be related to severity of infection response. (My last booster barely even caused any reaction, except a very slight arm discomfort 12 or 18 hours later. Perhaps should I get Covid it won't be "bad". Still the idea of getting "it", frightens me.)

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Thanks as always for today’s article. Hope you feel better soon!!

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May 31·edited May 31

Feel better and I'm glad you're taking the time to rest and recover. No need to isolate/test--right?

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When you recover and have time I would love to hear about the vaccines going forward. Is it annually, every six months? I have had five vaccines, not the latest as I just could not face one more shot. More studies keep coming out about the long term effects of this virus and yet the vaccines don’t provide much in keeping you from getting the virus for very long, what do we do?

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Hoping you feel better very soon!!

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Thanks for the news and it’s so frustrating to keep seeing that line. First time sniffles and very tired, second time congestion, body aches, sinus infection and positive for 10 long days! This third time (three weeks ago) body aches, very congested and sinus infection again, but was negative on day 7!

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