Given your recent experience with Covid & this new study (and other recent studies), under what circumstances would you ever recommend Paxlovid to a fully updated vaccinated person of any age?

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Dr. Faust, Good thoughtful and informative essay. It is evident of a lot of careful thinking and work. Thank you.

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Do you know how the metformin trial is going for long covid patients ?

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Dr. Jeremy

I must admit my initial mental juggle with factoring "inclusive" & "specific" required rereading the explanation. 🙂

Adding to J. Aloisi comment above. The explanation & rationale for offering Paxlovid to your mom... clearly a shared decision, with your mom & her primary HCP.

I made the case for my partner age 70 (immunocompromised) should she have a Covid-19 exposure. My hope being early intervention may resulted in prevention of symptoms/onset & if not lessen the degree of infection/illness.

I am most appreciative for your comment &/or other followers.

I am not expecting a specific recommendation (not appropriate & a complete medical Hx not provided). I have an extensive science background but my credentials are that of a pharmacist & not MD.

Respectfully, JJF

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They should be trialing psychiatric and neurologic drugs for long COVID. And anything that halfway works for things like POTS and other dysautonomic conditions.

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