I'm glad you had this enjoyable opportunity. I look forward to reading more about your conversations.

I'm concerned that the Olympics will result in a large number of new longcovid cases, not only as a factor of the transmission numbers, but because of ignoring the need for therapeutic rest to clear the virus. Dr. David Putrino has the unique perspective of working with elite athletes and being a LC researcher. His experience is that LC disproportionately strikes people who return to vigorous exercise or training after a SAR2 infx. I've been watching with dismay as we treat Olympic athletes as replaceable/disposable. It's not unlike our treatment of service workers by neglecting to clean the air or provide paid sick time.

The Olympics could have been an opportunity to normalize mask-while-sick and also mask use as a prevention tool. Mask use is not an extreme intervention. It is effortless and accessible and it affords people an opportunity to do just about anything without incurring life-changing consequences - for oneself or someone down the transmission chain.

Thank you for sharing your work and your thoughts with us.

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Love your comment. I saw it after I wrote my own along similar lines. Between the fact that mitigation strategies for prevention of transmission were pathetic, my concern about the height of viremia ans subsequent sequalae like viral myocarditis, for example, was extremely concerning, and I think extremely negligent on the part of the medical team.

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My 4 kids kept saying while watching Olympics on tv, “why are sick people competing and spreading virus to others, it’s a really bad virus.” Have the grown ups of the world overlooked how the Olympic messaging is for kids, teens and young adults ~some say it’s dystopian to act as if covid is a cold or nuisance.

Messaging matters in our world~ hey it’s ok to swim in nasty river water and vomit? Fever, cough a lot, malaise, poor sleep…then sprint in a race ~feel pretty awful, compete? What’s this norm?

This messaging is short sighted and isn’t optimal for youth, it’s confusing, contradictory ~not a message of public health well being, community caring.

‘There’s not even a nasal vaccine yet to stop covid in its tracks’ teens say in the neighborhood, and ‘there’s no treatment for long covid.’

The youth want to protect their future they don’t want to get covid multiple times in society or school ~ so what’s up with any Olympic messaging of it’s maybe ok or acceptable to spread respiratory ailment and do sports with covid . It’s plain weird.

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Agree 100%

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I am one who wishes we would go back much closer to the early days of testing at large events. My husband brought home Covid from a large conference he went to last week and almost all of his colleagues who went have it too now. So far I don’t thanks to him isolating, lots of ventilation and we both wear masks most of the time in the house except sleep. What little protocols people follow are not working. And yet, for most people doing anything is asking too much. It is going to be up to leadership to set the standards, and sadly money talks louder than health - until it is too late.

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Great column! I'd agree that there should be Covid testing so athletes can be protected--from others and to avoid infecting others-- during their narrow window to participate, while enjoying the Olympic experience to the fullest. It's not rocket science and in this case, we do have the tools. Love to see a common sense and actionable protocol.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

As a 40+ year veteran of infection control, I was appalled at the lack of Covid mindfulness and protocol and was frankly shocked! When I saw Noah for two days with a pathetic procedure mask on, not even a KN 95, I suspected something. I can't make up my mind whether I'm more disappointed in the lack of transmission prevention indoors, or the fact that he was allowed by the medical team to overexert himself at the height of his viremia. I guess my past life as a CCU RN, nursing young athletes with viral myocarditis, I can't help but think that way. Overall, I'm very disappointed as the world seems to think, including these officials, that Covid is benign. Having had my first infection in February, which has left me, despite being fully vaccinated and up-to-date, with some issues, I can now personally attest that it's not as benign as the world wants to think. Noah should never have been allowed to expose others! 😡😡

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It seems based on news articles and from what presenters are saying on tv that it’s more than a “ handful “ of covid infections that athletes are experiencing. Also, some athletes are maintaining privacy and not disclosing what they’re sick with so there’s that uncertainty of data factor… probability suggests…

Articles in news 📰 say this is the second largest worldwide summer covid surge and that it hasn’t even peaked yet with infection rates in many countries 15-20+ percent ? Vaccines aren’t even out before school resumes and free covid tests aren’t mailed to homes anymore…Where’s the public health leadership and public health advocacy ? Let me repeat, students haven’t had a covid vaccine in a year and it’s surging and the vaccines aren’t out in July or August ? Where’s leadership ?

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Thank you! We all need to be advocating rather than submitting to ignorance!

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Two of my heroes who know the research they report...going around trying their hardest to get infected and infecting others. I realize Dr. Faust has some possible immunity to at least one variant from a recent infection, but he inhales virus and exhales it. In addition to asking myself if my confirmation bias is coloring my understanding, if the reporters' confirmation bias is shading his interpretation...now I have to factor in Covid brain damage affecting their ability to identify danger and possibly just accepting that Covid will win so why bother trying to prevent it or even limit its effects? My TV is showing more than just a "handful" of athletes coming down with verified Covid. I am seeing reports of weird injuries and illnesses that bear striking resemblance to the effects of Covid my heroes have been reporting for years. Sounding more like Mandy Cohen. I don't blame them for aching to have a normal life again but joining the race to be culled? It feels like a slap in the face.

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Oh I agree wholeheartedly! I think the Olympics was a disaster for public health and the lowest level of setting an example - shame on OIC-

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I know the Olympics is a treasured event- the athletes train most of their lives for this- but shame on France and the Olympic Committee - very poorly handled - not like they didn't know what was afoot. Very sad IMHO

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So happy you and Benjy got to enjoy the Olympics in person! So thrilling! I've been a fan of Benjy's madd dataviz skillz for a few years now on Twitter.

In my rando opinion, the Paris Olympics missed a golden opportunity to make the games a very public showcase for how to make indoor events safer, through filtration, ventilation, and UV-C. It could have been the world's biggest Indoor Air Quality Expo.

But I also get that there are only so many resources, and when you have a whole river to clean, you have to choose your battles.

Anyhoo, there are ways to make indoor spaces safer that don't require strapping a filter to your face. (I say this as I'm slapping on a mask and bringing two huge CR boxes to a 30-person rehearsal. Whee!)

It's very cool that you got to chat with Dr. Tedros. He seems like a really wonderful human doing a really hard job.

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So glad the data band was back together at the Olympics and you had fun! One question I have is our healthcare providers coming to a cohesive stance on Covid? By that I mean for us who are not in the medical field are bombarded with so much diverse information. One Dr says keep getting the vaccine, one says do not and many will not say one way or the other. It’s a bit maddening!

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Thank you for this account, Jeremy, and looking forward to the interviews from the Team USA doctors!

I hope when you judge the time to be right that you endeavor to help WHO get current with the available evidence on nicotine and vaping.

As this blog demonstrates, they have a ways to go! 😁


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I agree with all the previous comments. This was yet another lost opportunity.

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