thanks for your coverage, especially on the ridiculous claim about transgender mice. i would, however, encourage you to refrain from using “masculinized” or “feminized” in reference to animal models. masculinity and femininity are human constructs (like gender) and using them to describe animals is still inaccurate… as a trans woman scientist, i once TA’ed a course where a professor used those trivialized terms in a lecture on sex differentiation. i left class that day in tears
Very clear explanation of the process where by lab animals, including mice, have had hormones injections for research purposes. OMG when will the media & the scientific communities truly be able to correct the blatten lies that Trump states?
Trump, I believe is very deliberate in his use of factually inaccurate information aka lies & equally deliberate in his selective use of some of the facts. The latter is likely playing politics, however his deliberate actions & the facilitating the actions of others results in the deaths of vulnerable individuals. Proving the latter is unlikely but the medical & scientific communities are very clear in the tragic consequences.
My comments are because these events playing out are beyond sad.
Clearly I am not American, the pain I will feel from Trump's actions is monetary... retirement investments ( they'll recover) my professional employment is not at risk, my access to healthcare is not at risk.
My small voice is too express my sadness and 🙏 the larger collective voice in America to override the voice of the "bully" & truly raise the QOL for all Americans.
Again thank you for bringing the assault against LGBTQ+ to the forefront. We have a dear friend who is a trans woman with whom my husband has worked for years in environmental research and studies/programs. She has an earned national respect in her field. She has been the Dean of Forestry at a major university in the west. And though retired she is still very, very active in academia. A better, kinder friend could not be found. She is also about as courageous a person as I have ever met. Since Trump came in office again, she is considering going to Canada and reversing her surgery so she can still stay married to her much loved long term wife. I can barely see the keys as I cry while writing this. It is abhorrent. Thank you so much, Jeremy.
Secondly, as I've told you even before Valentines Day that we KNEW that probationary Fed workers were let go in addition to funds and hiring freezes. Then we heard from Jeff's old boss that the Northern main office of US Fish and Wildlife in Hadley MA was going to be shut down (200-250 employees that service 13 states.) by August 31, 2025. This office manages huge wildlife reserves, studies bird migration, provides research and education on habitat, manages states from VA to Maine, allows access to residents in some of our most beautiful and essential protected lands. Recently, we have had large shorebird populations decimated by Bird Flu. This is also the cross-over into health as you can imagine. The Hadley office of US Fish and Wildlife is one of General Services Administration initiative to close 164 federal office spaces nationwide. No state or fed public officials were notified first. It is now being made public due to gov whistle blower in CA. These agencies have been added to the law suit filed against OPM by US District Judge Alsop "Alsup affirmed the Office of Personnel Management can’t order other agencies to fire workers, undercutting the White House’s ability to orchestrate cuts in the federal workforce."
Where to start...yes, the $1 limit on charge cards is true. My husband, Jeff, US Fish and Wildlife, was told about this this last week. Many smaller offices, like that of wildlife refuges here in MA have small bricks and mortar buildings so they pay for their heating, for instance on credit cards. (Larger offices have contracts with utility companies.)
I understood Dr. Offit commented one of the children hospitalized in Texas was 6 months old. Is it known whether or not the mom was previously vaccinated?
I ask because it relates to the question I asked prior to the podcast vis-à-vis waning maternal antibodies for measles given passively to the newborn.
thanks for your coverage, especially on the ridiculous claim about transgender mice. i would, however, encourage you to refrain from using “masculinized” or “feminized” in reference to animal models. masculinity and femininity are human constructs (like gender) and using them to describe animals is still inaccurate… as a trans woman scientist, i once TA’ed a course where a professor used those trivialized terms in a lecture on sex differentiation. i left class that day in tears
Very clear explanation of the process where by lab animals, including mice, have had hormones injections for research purposes. OMG when will the media & the scientific communities truly be able to correct the blatten lies that Trump states?
Trump, I believe is very deliberate in his use of factually inaccurate information aka lies & equally deliberate in his selective use of some of the facts. The latter is likely playing politics, however his deliberate actions & the facilitating the actions of others results in the deaths of vulnerable individuals. Proving the latter is unlikely but the medical & scientific communities are very clear in the tragic consequences.
My comments are because these events playing out are beyond sad.
Clearly I am not American, the pain I will feel from Trump's actions is monetary... retirement investments ( they'll recover) my professional employment is not at risk, my access to healthcare is not at risk.
My small voice is too express my sadness and 🙏 the larger collective voice in America to override the voice of the "bully" & truly raise the QOL for all Americans.
Again thank you for bringing the assault against LGBTQ+ to the forefront. We have a dear friend who is a trans woman with whom my husband has worked for years in environmental research and studies/programs. She has an earned national respect in her field. She has been the Dean of Forestry at a major university in the west. And though retired she is still very, very active in academia. A better, kinder friend could not be found. She is also about as courageous a person as I have ever met. Since Trump came in office again, she is considering going to Canada and reversing her surgery so she can still stay married to her much loved long term wife. I can barely see the keys as I cry while writing this. It is abhorrent. Thank you so much, Jeremy.
Secondly, as I've told you even before Valentines Day that we KNEW that probationary Fed workers were let go in addition to funds and hiring freezes. Then we heard from Jeff's old boss that the Northern main office of US Fish and Wildlife in Hadley MA was going to be shut down (200-250 employees that service 13 states.) by August 31, 2025. This office manages huge wildlife reserves, studies bird migration, provides research and education on habitat, manages states from VA to Maine, allows access to residents in some of our most beautiful and essential protected lands. Recently, we have had large shorebird populations decimated by Bird Flu. This is also the cross-over into health as you can imagine. The Hadley office of US Fish and Wildlife is one of General Services Administration initiative to close 164 federal office spaces nationwide. No state or fed public officials were notified first. It is now being made public due to gov whistle blower in CA. These agencies have been added to the law suit filed against OPM by US District Judge Alsop "Alsup affirmed the Office of Personnel Management can’t order other agencies to fire workers, undercutting the White House’s ability to orchestrate cuts in the federal workforce."
Read more at: and also Daily Hampshire Gazette at
Where to start...yes, the $1 limit on charge cards is true. My husband, Jeff, US Fish and Wildlife, was told about this this last week. Many smaller offices, like that of wildlife refuges here in MA have small bricks and mortar buildings so they pay for their heating, for instance on credit cards. (Larger offices have contracts with utility companies.)
Dr. Faust
I understood Dr. Offit commented one of the children hospitalized in Texas was 6 months old. Is it known whether or not the mom was previously vaccinated?
I ask because it relates to the question I asked prior to the podcast vis-à-vis waning maternal antibodies for measles given passively to the newborn.
Thank you, JJF
“Transgender mice!” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣