My grandfather was a physician who served in WW II and played in a medical symphony in Chicago. It’s so important to have other interests.

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The doctor's orchestras are so amazing. We have Longwood Symphony here. An amazing group that does great work for the community. Thanks for sharing!

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Awesome. Neil Skolnik interviewed me at Abington while I was figuring out which family medicine residency programs to rank. Ultimately I stayed in center city Philly at Jefferson for residency, also where he trained. I’ll look forward to listening to this interview, and recall him being a really warm, talented, and well respected family doc!

If anyone in the Philly area needs a drummer MD please let me know! I’ve been in the basement working through frustrations alone like Animal from the Muppets.

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Neil is SO nice! There are some good doc drummers out there!

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Love hearing that you are a choral musician. I am a mostly retired nurse educator and have sung in choirs in junior high, church, and for the last 15 years, a 70-member community choir in the Seattle area (www.nwassiciatedarts.org). Among our ranks are about 7 nurses- 10%! We've had to deal with a few minor medical emergencies over the years but it's been mostly smooth sailing (and singing). Oh, and one physician :-)

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:) That's awesome. Keep singing!

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I love this, Jeremy! Thank you for sharing, and I want to hear more of the Winter’s Night!! Can you share the full link?

For me, music has always been a quintessential part of who I am. I sang all through high school, college, and even grad school working on my PhD. After I graduated, I still sang in a cappella groups while working on my postdocs in Virology. And as you know, my own a cappella group (Stiletta) recorded a pandemic-themed music video to the song, Remedy by Adele. In the context of COVID-19, the lyrics took on an entirely new meaning. And I think that’s one of the beautiful things about music--it can be interpreted in so many different ways. I’m glad you keep music in your life while doing all the wonderful things you do for medicine, science and the world. ❤️🎶

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Yes your group is awesome!

Here's the really nice montage video of Winter is Past that Harvard created for the commencement...


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How about an opera singing UCSF Breast Surgeon, Dr. Laura Esserman? Patient favorites include "Don't You Fret" & the soaring heights of her "Les Miserables".

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I do not know her but she sounds awesome!

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Nothing to do with music, but I was wondering if at some point you could do a column on the HPV vaccine — safety and efficacy. Thank you!

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Great idea! Thanks!

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