We should be more honest next time, tell the truth about everything, even if you think it will make people comply less, because the credibility of institutions is too important, the day we learned that you could still transmit and get Covid even if your vaxed should have been the day we ended all mandates, I remember it vividly, the Providence-town outbreak was among a fully vaxed community, when institutions aren’t honest, even for honorable reasons, it makes people cynical like it was all a big money grab by big pharma,

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A leading jewelry chain CEO (Signet), in explaining a downturn in revenue, stated that marriages will be down to 2.4m this year from a more typical 2.8m (and I note that David's Bridal also recently declared bankruptcy). This is attributed to the fact that couples tend to marry 3-3.5 years after meeting and far fewer connections were made during the first half of 2020. Birth rate impact, if any, might show in 2024 and 2025.

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