Not concerned about his ability to do the job - he’s got a very competent team in place to help execute policy. VERY concerned about his electability now - I don’t like switching horses this late, but think we need to do whatever we can to field the strongest possible candidate. And he no longer is perceived as “ok to go” by enough voters, so that means he should step aside.

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I'm sorry to say that I find the poll is really badly designed. A single evening's event is no basis whatsoever for a determination of someone's fitness for officer, and posing it this way just makes the question seem like a valid one - when it is irrelevant except for the media's focus on it. It is ridiculous to think that the process of choosing a replacement would lead to anything other than the election chaos the repugs would delight in, and that would very likely lead to a further four years of chaos. (Though as you point out, the Chevron decision alone will create a great deal of uncertainty, not only in health care, and thus create a fair amount of chaos for a long time to come - until there's a different composition of the court, probably.)

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How concerned am I about Biden's fitness for the Presidency? Essentially, not. I can't think of the politician I'd rather see in the Oval Office

How concerned am I about his ability to get re-elected in 2024 America? Very.

I was quite struck by Anne Applebaum's profile of the UK's new PM, Keith Starmer, and the utter difference in the success from his low-key, anti-bombastic style, and what we get in the USA

Also remembering Sun-Tzu's “victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” IMO, the MAGA party won the campaign months ago when they sowed the seeds for “Biden incompetent” in the ground of his sometimes stuttering style. They simply harvested the fruit of their propaganda in the debate.

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Wow! A bit surprised on the polls results of leading concern on Biden. Looking at the big picture, no one is even close to having all the experience President Biden has. Plus he was sick during the debate. If anything, it should have been postponed until he was feeling much better and not having a cold. But he chose not to postpone.

Good for him! That alone says a lot!

No one is perfect and bad days happen. What would the negative Nancy’s being saying if he was 45 and made the same slip ups? 🙄

No one can deny all the great things he has done as our President, including all the years he has been in office since the very beginning of his political career. People also seem to forget he doesn’t run our country alone. He has a team. Overall, President Biden is the best we have right now to lead a second term. Anyone watch his speech this evening. Bravo!

As for the dems who are so quick to bash their own President. Houston, we have a problem!

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Is it possible that Pfizer is studying this new anti-viral for a broader population in order to mitigate Long COVID, which spares no one?

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My opinion on the issue of whether Biden should stay as our Prez candidate....for many, many Dems leaders and Americans, the question has never been whether we need to avoid another 4 years of Trump. WE all know that Project 2025 has been in the works for decades and not just here but overseas with Bannon. The fear of fascism is real. The question is 1. Can Biden beat him? and 2. Does he have the endurance and strength for 4 more years of such national and world crisis? People like myself know that the poor performance at the last debate by Joe was not an anomaly. Even many world leaders have voiced concerns that he was going down for the last year, after the G-7 meeting. People like myself will still vote for Biden and the Dem ticket, and Trumpers will still vote for Trump. We are not the concern. The concern is that even before the debate Biden was losing in a tight race. We really needed the young vote, undecideds, and minorities to bridge the gap. Now we are losing them even more with many saying they won't vote. And there is the problem of the down-ballot loss. If we lose both majorities in Congress, and have this corrupt, bias conservative SC, and get Trump we are really sunk. It is no time to be ostriches and we all need to put in time to protect the vote, and focus on battleground states. The popular vote doesn't matter. It's the electoral vote. Unprecedented acts require unprecedented critical thinking and actions. We need to be honest about Biden's diminishing health and cognition and he needs to be more transparent. He has the worst record for speaking with journalists/public of any Prez for last 40 years. He pulled off a great 3 years of recovery in many ways but this isn't about loyalty or romantic notions. We need to figure this out objectively and fast.

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Always great important subjects. On Chevron ruling...very concerned and good to hear your beginning perspective on potential issues regarding it and healthcare. My husband has a 45 year career with FEds and state gov in MA and Maryland as an environmentalist forest ecologist concerning Climate Change, water and air pollution, etc. He has been worried about this happening for sometime. The gist of the problem being that while many would like to see unnecessary bureaucracy lessened that is not what this SC ruling will do. It will put all important issues in front of judges who are not specialists in many areas like the environment, healthcare, safety etc. Scientists will lose power and access. And courts will be tied up. Add to the fact that SC court just ruled on immunity for Prez which for the first time allows 1 branch of our Fed gov to have power over the other 2 should frighten all of us. The only recourse we have is impeachment and we have already seen how impotent that process is with the lack of ethics in the GOP and Trump. That is not a partisan statement, just facts when you consider that even when Nixon was caught the GOP took the high road.

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I’m not so concerned about his capacity to do the job except for the egregious example of his inability to prioritize and plan to marshall his energies for this debate. Politically he has placed the Democratic Party in a perilous position and that may not be forgivable. His ability to communicate his good works is essential. His capacity to contest his accomplishments and ideas in debate or in the contest exchanges is absolutely critical. His presentations lack punch and are not articulated efficiently. His work product is stellar and outstanding. His saving of NATO and confrontations on the broader front of international politics have been key and those accomplishments must not be lost by a change to another administration.

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