Jeremy, please read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. From his research, you will understand that the “calories in vs calories out” model is insufficient to understand obesity.

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Have you watched Alone? Where they are truly alone and have to be outdoor survivalists? My daughter and I watched it last summer while I was healing from surgery- I mean right up your alley I think!

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Interesting, and a fun confession on your part, we all need to watch some pop culture of questionable value!

I don’t watch TV, but I’ve read that contestants on the biggest loser almost always get back to their set points, and that dramatic/quick weight loss leads to a definite yo-yo phenomenon. The way to game the metabolism seems to be slow and steady weight loss to lower the body weight set point without triggering a bunch of compensatory mechanisms that kick in to prevent starvation.

I think simple arithmetic [calories in minus calories out] works initially, but then higher level mathematics kick in and the rate of change really does matter. If the rate of weight loss is too quick, people very frustratingly bounce back.

But the bigger question is, would you ever consider signing up for the show as a contestant?

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There’s a massive amount of information on weight and calorie restriction. Ragen Chastain does a great job analyzing the data behind a lot of diet and weight loss studies as well as the so called weight loss drugs like ozempic and wegovy.

She and Christy Harrison are both worth reading.

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Dr. Faust, I just signed up, I've been following you on twitter for the last three years, I'd love to see a post from you reviewing what you got right and what you got wrong over the last 3 years during covid. It's interesting because I read your article on the cruise ship back in April of 2020, and you were exactly right that covid was targeting the elderly, but I feel like the narrative switched, cynically I feel like it switched so Pfizer and Moderna could sell more vax to more people, again, I say that cynically, I don't want it to be true, I'm just curious your thoughts, if you could go back in time, should we simply have protected the elderly and the vulnerable, and let society stay open for those under 65, most importantly kept schools open, which you were good on right from the beginning

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How would you “simply” protect the elderly and vulnerable without the community making sacrifices, with an airborne virus and all that entails, especially pre-vaccine?

Simple is an adjective that does not apply to pandemics, especially this worst and first in our lifetimes.

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I meant to say solely, not simply, I agree, there was not going to be anything simple about it, but looking back with the money that Big Pharma made on this, it’s pretty hard not to be suspicious, I would have been happy if that cash went to doctors and nurses on the front line, which probably didn’t happen, only shareholders of Pfizer and Moderna

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Love this article. I share the obsession with Survivor. I learned this week that Ketanji Brown Jackson is also a super fan! It’s hard to explain but this game represents so many facets of life. Thanks for putting this out there!

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